Dr. Meherdad Yousuf Ahmed

Child Specialist In Dhaka

Hi, I’m Dr. Meherdad Yousuf Ahmed. I’ve been a child doctor for over ten years. I studied a lot about kids’ health in DMC and the UK. I work at Dhaka Child Hospital, where I help in the Critical Intensive Care Unit. I love helping kids feel better and teaching families about health.

Best Child Specialist in Dhaka: Your Guide to Pediatric Care Excellence

When kids come to see me, I check them to find any little or big health problems early. This helps us fix problems before they get too big. It’s like finding a small crack in a cup before it breaks. I make sure to listen to everything you and your child tell me. This helps me understand what your child needs.

Every child is different. That’s why I give each child care that fits just for them. I look at what they need and how they grow. I use easy words so everyone understands. We make a care plan that’s just right for your child.

Being a good doctor means I keep learning new things about how to care for kids. I work with many smart doctors and nurses. We all share what we know and learn new things together. This helps us take the best care of your kids.

I believe that caring for your child is a big job, and I’m here to help you every step of the way. Let’s keep your child healthy and happy together!

Getting to Know Pediatric Care in Dhaka

In Dhaka, we have great places like Evercare Hospital and Dhaka Central International Medical College & Hospital. These places are special because they have lots of different doctors for kids. Some doctors help with allergies, some with heart problems, and others make sure kids grow right. We check kids early to catch any sickness quickly. This helps them get better fast.

Sometimes, kids need surgery to fix things inside their bodies. At Dhaka Central International Medical College & Hospital, we have special doctors who do surgeries just for kids. They know how to take care of little ones during and after surgery, so they can go home and play again soon.

Doctors in Dhaka learn new things all the time. We go to classes and talk with other doctors to make sure we know the best ways to help your kids. We also teach moms and dads how to keep their kids healthy at home.

Helping kids is the best job in the world! We make sure they feel safe and happy when they visit us. Every day, we work hard to make sure all kids in Dhaka can play, learn, and grow without getting sick.

We’re here to take care of your kids today, tomorrow, and as they grow up. Let’s keep them smiling and healthy together!

Taking Care of Your Child in 10 Steps:
“Love, Care, Treatment”

When you visit a kids’ doctor in Dhaka, there’s a special way they take care of your little one. It’s like a treasure map to health and happiness. Here are the eight steps they follow:

A Warm Welcome

As soon as you step in, it’s all smiles and hellos. The doctor and nurses make you feel like family. They know a happy greeting makes doctor visits less scary.

Listening Time

The doctor listens to every word you say about your kid. They want to know about your child’s laughs, sneezes, and even those little bumps. Your comments help the doctor be a super helper.

Gentle Check-Up

The doctor checks your kid with soft hands. They look, listen, and feel to make sure everything’s A-OK. It’s like a game of ‘spot the superhero health’ with your child as the star.

Fun Tests

If your kid needs tests, they’re simple and quick. The doctor ensures your kid feels brave; sometimes, there’s even a sticker at the end!

Clear Talk

The doctor explains everything in easy words. They tell you what’s up with your kid’s health and what you can do to help. It’s like getting a secret code to make your kid feel better.

Magic Medicine

If your kid needs medicine, the doctor picks the best one. They tell you how it helps and how to give it. It’s like a potion to turn sniffles and ouchies into giggles and play.

Answering Questions

Got questions or worries? The doctor’s there to answer them all. They help you understand and feel okay about everything. It’s like having a wise friend who knows all about kids.

Advice for Home Care

We give you easy tips for taking care of your child at home. Simple things like what to eat and how to make boo-boos better. It’s like having a doctor friend to call for advice.

Happy Goodbye

When it’s Time to go, the doctor gives your kid a high-five or a cool sticker. They ensure you leave with a smile and a heart full of hope.

Follow-Up Care

We don’t just say goodbye and forget. We check in to see how your child is doing. If you have questions later, give us a call. We’re here to help your child get all better, step by step.

Finding the Best Pediatrician for Family

You should pick a doctor who you can call easily. It’s important they can talk to you any time your kid feels very sick. Check if the doctor’s office is close to your home. That way, you can get there fast if you need to. The doctor and their team should be easy to talk to. You and your child should feel comfy and safe.

It’s smart to ask other moms and dads about the doctor they like. What do they say? Does the doctor make their kids feel better? Do they take the time to answer all their questions? You can look online or ask people you know. What other parents say can help you choose.

When you meet a doctor, see how they talk to you and your kid. They should listen well and explain things in a way that makes you feel good. They should also make your kid feel brave and important.

The doctor’s office should be a fun place for kids. It should have colors and toys that make your kid feel happy. This makes visits easier and helps your child not be scared.

Good doctors always learn new things. They find out new ways to keep kids healthy. Ask the doctor what new things they have learned. This helps them take really good care of your kid.

Trust how you feel. You know your kid better than anyone. Choose a doctor who makes you feel like they are part of your family. They should help your kid grow up strong and healthy.

I hope these tips help you find a doctor who is just right for your family. Remember, the right pediatrician makes all the difference. Let’s make sure your little ones get the best care possible!

How to Keep Your Kids Healthy at Home

Make sure your kids eat lots of different fruits and veggies. Give them fish like salmon a couple of times a week—it’s good for them! Milk is great, but if they don’t like it or can’t drink it, try some soy or almond milk that has calcium added. Remember, water is the best drink to keep them hydrated. Let’s keep sweets and sugary drinks as treats for special times only.

Kids need to move to grow strong! Little kids should play a lot during the day. Older kids should do things that make their hearts beat fast—like running, dancing, or playing soccer—for about an hour every day. It’s fun to move together, so why not make it a family dance-off or a quick race around the block?

It’s important that our kids feel happy and relaxed, too. Talk with them about their day, read stories together, and make sure they get enough sleep. Setting up a bedtime routine without screens can help them fall asleep easier. Also, let’s laugh a lot—it’s good for all of us!

I know going to the doctor isn’t everyone’s favorite thing, but it’s how we make sure your child is growing up healthy. We’ll check their growth, see how they’re doing in school, and make sure they get the shots they need to stay healthy. These visits are a great time to ask us anything you’re worried about!

Why Our Pediatric Clinic Is Special

We Know a Lot About Kids

Our doctors know a lot about children's health. We help kids with heart problems, bone issues, and more. We learn new things all the time to make sure we give the best care.

We Use Cool Tools

Our clinic has special tools that are just right for kids. These tools help us check your child's health without any touches. They make our work quick and keep your child comfortable.

Our Place Is Fun

We make sure our clinic feels friendly and safe. It has bright colors and toys. This helps your child feel happy and calm when they visit us.

We Work Together

Lots of doctors and nurses work together here. We talk and plan to make sure your child gets the best help. Everyone is kind and really cares about what they do.

We Teach Families

We also teach moms and dads how to keep their kids healthy. We have classes about food, exercise, and making good health choices every day.

Come See Us!

We're here to help and would love to see you. If your child needs a check-up or you have questions, come visit us. We'll take good care of you and make sure you feel welcome.

Keeping Our Kids Healthy in Dhaka

Now, I want to talk about some common sicknesses kids here face and what we can do to help them feel better.

Coughs and Colds

Lots of kids get coughs and colds, especially in the cooler months. To keep germs away, we teach kids to wash their hands well and keep their things clean. If your child gets a cold, we make sure they rest and drink lots of fluids. Sometimes, if it’s more than a cold, like pneumonia, we might need to give them medicine like antibiotics.

Tummy Troubles

Diarrhea is another big problem for little ones. Clean water and good handwashing can stop this. If your child does get sick, drinking lots of fluids and sometimes taking special medicine can help them get better quickly.

Breathing Problems from Dirty Air

The air in Dhaka isn’t always clean, and that can make kids sick, too. If your child has asthma or trouble breathing, keeping your home clean and free of smoke helps a lot. Sometimes, we might give medicine to help them breathe easier.

Remember, keeping up with check-ups helps us catch problems early. We’re here to help your child stay happy and healthy!

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(ঢাকা শিশু হাসপাতাল)

Dr. Meherdad Yousuf Ahmed

Bangladesh Shishu Hospital


F A Memorial Hospital
41/3, Block-B, Road-1, Chan Mia Housing
Mohammadpur, Dhaka

Visiting Hour:
➕ Saturday to Thursday
➕ 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM
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السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ
السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ
I'm Dr Meherdad Yousuf Ahamed.
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